Making a difference in the world by
Changing Lives, One at a Time

From all walks of life, Good Samaritans sacrifice their time, talents and money; traveling to the most remote places in Vietnam to love those whom they have never met and likely will never see again.
Healthcare Professionals

Volunteer healthcare professionals give up their precious vacation time, bringing their skills and equipment across the ocean to labor from dawn to dusk caring for those who have no access to adequate medical care.
People Treated
Since 2000, The Primary Care Team has traveled throughout the three regions of Vietnam providing medical, surgical, dental, vision, pharmacy and full diagnostic services to the poor.
Special Needs People Sponsored
Those whom the Good Samaritans are unable to care for during the Summer Missions are sponsored (paid travel, lodging, surgical costs) to receive care at major medical centers in Vietnam. The majority of these patients are children with congenital heart defects.
Major Surgeries
Performed by Good Samaritan surgeons at provincial hospitals for illnesses including emergency chest trauma, neck masses, cleft lips & palates, massive ovarian cysts and cancers of various types.
Professionals Trained
Good Samaritan Emergency Medicine Symposiums, EM Residency, training programs for Primary Care Physicians and Nurses are provided locally and nationally throughout the year.
Current Project

Cao Bang Family Health Center
In Progress
We are currently constructing a family health center in Cao Bang.
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